We're here. Lawful, Felafel & Waffle are all sleeping soundly. One more successful day complete!
Kilometres driven: 796.2 (for a total of 2097km so far...)
Gas purchased: $74.00
Soundtrack: Except for some Dave Matthews Band in the afternoon, we spent the whole day listening to the Inkheart audiobook. I think we're on chapter 28 or something now. Lawful is capeable of sitting, totally engrossed, for hours on end listening to the story... as are we. It is very well written and, again, Lynn Redgrave does such an incredible job of reading the story and her voices for all of the different characters are just fantastic. Highly recommended.
Best moment of the day: realising that, after at least six hours of driving and having decided that we would push through to Kenora after all, our three amazing kids were all laughing and giggling with each other in the back seat. Born travelers, our Awefull children...
Runner up moment of the day (no 1): finding 'the Organic Garden Cafe' in the middle of an industrial area of Thunder Bay and being blown away by both the great food and the kindness and generosity of the lovely man whom we can only assume is the owner. Check it out next time you're in Thunder Bay (and don't be thrown off by the fact that it looks to be a brew-your-own-wine place)!
Runner up moment of the day (no 2): Paw-full, Lawful & Felafel playing 'imaginary baseball' (no bats, balls, gloves, teams, etc... but baseball nonetheless...) on a real baseball diamond after lunch.
Sounds like a good time! We'd be a total mess if it was us...the 'Tars are not born travelers. Josh gets cranky if we drive into Houston (30-45 minutes away).